Thursday, March 3, 2011

Where's Nephi and Summer and Spencer playing b-ball

I had to run by the church today to pick up something in the Relief Society closet. I brought our basketballs so that we could shoot some hoops. I have really been trying to teach Spencer the correct shooting form. Any ways, Nephi kept leaving the gym and I kept having to find him. One time he left for a very long time. I searched EVERY WHERE (well, almost) for him, including outside. I was terrified, upset, etc. The kids and I went looking a second time. I opened the chapel doors, and Nephi was standing at the backrow with the sacrament water tray, holding it like the deacons do to pass the sacrament. My terrified, frustrated heart just melted. I know that he shouldn't be getting in to the sacrament stuff, but it was so darling that he wanted to be like the deacons. He had even put the water cups in the trays. We put back the tray and he informed me that he also ate the bread.

The kids finished playing b-ball. Summer made 51 shots and Spencer made 23. They have had a definite interest in b-ball since going to the BYU/UCLA game, which I hope continues. Everyone but Stuart (who had to work) went up to a movie theater to watch the BYU/SDSU game on the big screen. It was opened up to BYU alumuni and anyone else interested in attending. We had a blast and were cheering the entire game. I was super proud of BYU.

With all of the events with Davies and the honor code, I have never felt prouder to be a BYU cougar. It feels really great to have graduated from a school that stands for what we believe in. I am so proud of Davies for owning up to what he did, and hope to see him back on the team next year. GO COUGARS!!!!


Brittany said...

Oh Nephi! So sweet. Wow those kids are becoming great basketball players it sounds! So fun. Sam and I have felt the same way about BYU right now. So proud of the way things are handled. It seems like so many people in the world are seeing how much integrity BYU has and I think their respect is growing for the school. Always a good thing!

Louise said...

I'm glad the kids like to play basketball and I love the story of Nephi!!