Monday, March 21, 2011

Summer and Spencer

Summer has really been into reading church books. I had gotten a bunch of church books out of storage a couple of months ago and put them on our bookshelf. They were kind of for decoration to fill the empty space, but Summer took notice and started picking them up to read. She read a Sheri Dew book, President Hinckley book, and Camilla Kimball's biography. It is just so wonderful that she chooses good things. While she was reading Camilla's biography she was constantly stopping to tell me things about her. I am so grateful for a daughter like her. She just radiates goodness (despite her fights with her brothers).

She has been doing amazing with piano. I think that some people just have that gift, and I definitely think that is one of her gifts, not mine. She has a phenomenal teacher that expects a lot from her, which I love. She hates to practice, but I am glad that she is obedient because she is wonderful to listen to. I am so grateful for Aunt Nita (from church) making it possible for Summer to have piano lessons. She wanted to do this for Summer to help her get over the loss of her kitten. Aunt Nita is such an amazing lady that I am in awe of.

Spencer has been either glued to the TV to watch college basketball or outside practicing basketball. He said, "Mom, I like to ride rides at Disneyland with Dad, but I like to play basketball with you." He said, "Mom, if I give you a starburst, will you promise to play basketball every day with me so that I can be like Jimmer" I gladly accepted the Starburst and told him that I would do what I could. My brother pointed out that his middle name is James/Jimmer. And it dawned on me that Spencer's middle name is James too (after my Dad), so we've been calling him Spencer Jimmer Spendlove, which he loves. I ordered Spencer a Jimmer t-shirt jersey. He was super excited to wear it to school, but then BYU lost a game. Suddenly he didn't want to wear the jersey because he said that he was embarrassed. I asked him why and he said because BYU isn't good any more since they lost. We had a good chat that everyone loses and that you can still be an amazing player and lose. I think it sunk in. He proudly wore it to school the next day, among all of his SDSU fans (his teachers). Stuart has mentioned with how cool it would be to have a son play college b-ball. It would be super cool.

I am stoked about BYU basketball and think ALL of the players have done an amazing job in the big dance.

1 comment:

Spendy said...

Go Spencer Jimmer! With the height of his parents and skill of his mom (sorry Stu...) you might just be on your way to VIP seats to your pro-son's Bball games! :)

And, I must say that I am VERY HAPPY that Summer and I both got what we wanted... Piano lessons for her and a nice piece of antique furniture (your old piano) for me!