Sunday, November 2, 2008

Marriage Advice

My baby brother is getting married in a few weeks. Stuart and I have some advice for them and any other newly weds or nearly deads. When we were first married we watched a lot of murder mysteries, which made me a little scared (OK quite paranoid). I was afraid that if I got up from bed to get a drink or go to the bathroom that just maybe an intruder might kill Stuart, lay on his side of the bed, and pretend to be him so that he could kill me. Hey it could happen. So I deviced a plan that when I returned to our bed (if it was dark of course) that I would say a key word and he would respond with the match that had nothing to do with the key word. I have been using the code word a lot lately and he still remembers it. Now I always know that if I give the key word and the response is a certain word that it is either Stuart or his sister Rebecca, as we told her the key words as well. Hope this helps keep you safe.