Thursday, February 17, 2011

Just in case you were wondering, water does ruin cameras!

Theoretically speaking, of course, if you are going to be out weeding your yard and oh let's just say your 3 year old son comes out with your digital camera to take some pictures, and you insist that he takes it back inside so that it won't get ruined, then please follow up on that to make sure he listens!!! If you don't follow up, you just may have a camera that has been completely water logged after a couple days of rain. You may just find it in a sewage pipe that little 3 year old boys love to put things in. Rest assured if this happens to you, you will have a non-functioning camera.


Unknown said...

Unless, of course, you have one that's waterproof. Maybe a good feature to have on your next one. That is what I have, in case I drop it in the toilet like I did my cell phone. ;-D

TheGefrom5 said...

BUmmer!!!!!!:( That really stinks!!If it makes you feel any better...I actually ran over our camera...with an SUV!