Today I was heading out the door for a meeting about "Yes for Proposition 8." I grabbed one of Summer's notebooks to take notes. As I was waiting for the meeting to start I looked through her notebook and noticed several journal entries. Each time she would start with dear diary and then tell about her day, life, etc. She would also ask the diary questions like "Where do you live? Do you like my LOL music? Do you have a brother? Do you like animals/meerkats? Do you like to swim?" She also asked the diary to "Send me pics of you. Please come visit me." Any ways, Stuart and I thought this was cute.
She loves to write. We were visiting Grandma/pa Spendlove and Aunt Sarah over General Conference weekend. Summer watched her awesome Aunt Sarah take notes and followed her example (thanks for the great example). I was just going to type a few of the things she wrote, but I ended up typing everything that she wrote (in the same way she spelled everything) for a record for us. Summer is so lucky to have such great Aunts.
"Oct. 4, 2008 Jefferey
Angels are sent to help people. Showing themselves. Then all things. Covenent. Instruments from the hand of god. As a seven year old lunged. Brining the cows home I felt home. Angel. god never leave us alone if we are sad. Darkness, sad, alone, prayer of faith. Religion. The princepal of nwoledge our hevenly father. In his goodness Shy like. Converted reavealed. Jesus was baptized instjous River. Holy Ghost desire fizical pure spirit holy spirit love rebieve spiritchaol heart He loves us. Branches convershen faith prayer
poor, pure heart, babelon, temple, Idel, Come to Zion.
life Reedeemer of the world. Never thirst Ligt of life. Never die. Jesus Christ Savior of the world madness hunger resuretion remain blessing clean pure fill thy holly ghost sustain presure health peace joy heal remember gift of the Holy Ghost strong manifest
Spirit of Liberty prevail god Christ forgivein gangered faith rejouce children sin church teach live feast president young saints army rebelion acaszon trail Navoo across flag soldiers true prophet sustain Lord destroy princapls faithful
Boyd K. Packer 1000 miles salt lake city104 fee 65 feet inered royallty understand twelve apostales costato san bible book of Mormon comandments loyal briefly glory suffered
comandment antonement resurectioin eternal family proclamashon kingdom of god death heavenly father gift scripture covenents anointed eternity dead gain faith repent sacred covenents opurtonity mature trials blessing judge reward mortal effort harmony makin no find real happiness wellfare celestenal god plan beware thankfully mighty heart comprehention
Rusell M. Nellson thankful happiness joy eternal plan study desire steal love not endure subject topic apostle sacred virtue family temple exoltashon continue glory sealed holy temple maring possible priestood keys earth pet james joun prophets proclainn beloved parents premortal nature gain eternal life grave indivis??? women gospel
William jump rope song gospel teachings Lord reavealed teacher princapls read understand branches church scriptures how to teach the gospel master teacher athority holy ghost showeth sek sesphal preparation rollende dillengently prophecy power and athority presence of god description edication untutered centrd marvelous identify focus appeared feat He called me by name Sunday School preside Monson forgotten dert"