Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Never a dull moment with Nephi

Nephi loves lotions and potions. He has really been interested in the vaseline lately. I found him putting gobs and gobs of vaseline in his hair. At first it was cute and funny, but then I tried to get it out. I washed and scrubbed, but it just wouldn't come out. Of course he did this 20 minutes before the older 2 kids needed to be picked up from school. Luckily he did this the day before my Mom left so that she could hold Benson while I ended up cutting his hair.

I just couldn't get the grease out and so I had to just cut the grease out. I didn't want to use the clippers because the grease would have definitely clogged the blade. I left his hair like this until Stuart got home to use the clippers. (Yes, Nephi still loves to put Summer's hair accessories in his hair) That evening I was talking to one of my friends and she said that you can get out vaseline with dish soap. Wish I had that knowledge before, but there was just no time to google that with having to pick up the kids and Nephi being a walking mess maker with grease covering his hands, head, and clothes. Luckily though we were able use dish soap to wash out the grease with what remained of his hair. It worked great.

Stuart finished up his hair cut with a nice little buzz. Nephi loved his haircut and named himself Grandpa (my Dad is bald). Has he learned his lesson???? Of course not! I found him getting into my pomade a couple of days later applying grease to his scalp.


Sam Lentz said...

I think I'm officially coining the phrase, "He pulled a Nephi."

Louise said...

Oh my gosh!!! I don't know what else to say.

Irukandji said...

That's adorable in a i'm glad i got to read the story but hope my future kids never do that to me.

Natasha Naylor