Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Nephi in search of gum

Nephi knows that we keep gum on top of our filing cabinet. Stuart found Nephi trying to climb the cabinet for the gum.

Our kids all like to play outside with the neighbor kids and lately Nephi has found a lot of chewed gum lying on the ground. Yes, you have guessed it, he likes to pick it up and chew it. We have all been working really hard on noticing chewed gum and helping him avoid it.

Note: please excuse the cluttered bedroom. When you live in an apartment, your bedroom doubles as a storage room.


Louise said...

Nephi is quite the kid! He is a handful but so fun to be around. We should call him George. No, not after Grandpa after George of the jungle!

Sarah said...

Oh my that little Nephi...ha ha. Always finding new ways to reach his goals. :)