Monday, August 30, 2010

Grandma Lentz with us

One last trip to Seaworld before my mom went home. It was such a blessing to our family to have her here for 2 full months. She is so loving and kind and I can't believe that I have been so fortunate to be her daughter. I was truly in blissville while she was here. She was a great help to me with the kids and I so much appreciate it. Summer and Spencer took turns going to the pool to go do her work out every day. Nephi was attached to her. She left last week and Nephi still tells me that he's not going to go with me to the store or wherever it is that I am going and that he's going to stay with grandma. I have to keep reminding him that she went home. I know that my Dad missed her very much and is very happy to have her back. But she was able to lose 36 pounds!!! She did awesome on her diet and will continue on her journey at home. I am so proud of you Mom.

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